If you still have problems, please let us know, by sending an email to support@website.com . Thank you!
So, you are a trained Collaborative professional and would like to volunteer your time and expertise in our Project – thank you! We provide free online training and resources geared specifically towards this time-limited project.
To be an eligible professional for volunteering in the Pro Bono Collaborative Family Law Project, you must at a minimum:
• have completed the basic collaborative training (3 day introductory interdisciplinary collaborative training);
• belong to a local practice group (whether it is Collaborative Divorce Vancouver, Victoria Collaborative practice group, Okanagan Collaborative group, etc.); and
• have completed or are in the process of completing your mediation/interest-based negotiation training.
Please emails us the following information and our administrator will get back to you.
Your Information:
This is just a simple notice. Everything is in order and this is a simple link.