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FIRM / BUSINESS NAME: | Grayer Law Office |
103-1416 Commercial Drive
Vancouver, BC, V5L 3X9 |
PHONE: | 604.628.2241 |
FAX: | |
EMAIL: | patrick@grayerlaw.com |
WEBSITE: | www.grayerlaw.com |
Member in good standing, Law Society of British Colmbia |
Family Law Mediator, accredited by the Law Society of British Columbia |
My background is in social services, and I worked directly with people with disabilities and at-risk youth for more than 20 years prior to attending law school. After 12 years I recently resigned as chair of the board at Peak House, a non-profit that operates a residential drug and alcohol program for youth. I regularly teach legal drafting skills to law students and community-based legal advocates through non-profit organizations, such as the Law Foundation of BC and Rise Women’s Legal Centre.
This is just a simple notice. Everything is in order and this is a simple link.